Emily Chloe Quinn is a singer/songwriter with a band who performs original music in the Chicago area. Her recent EP, My Own Mountain was released in November of 2022. She carries a Master's degree in oboe performance. A piano player and singer since childhood, she performs her songs on piano/keys, and has a wistful and personal quality of writing that is provocative and engaging. Her band includes a bass player, drummer, and a guitarist. Her music is of the folk/indie/art-pop variety. You can hear her music and see more photos at emilychloequinn.com. Follow her social media links to hear clips of live performances.
A review of her EP was featured in New City Music Magazine, with the quotes:
"it grips you by degrees; this record is a master class in sly subjugation."
"The lovely airiness of these songs disguises the fact that they’re skillfully—often brilliantly—constructed."